El pasado fin de semana fui invitada a vivir un #Instaxday de la mano de Fujifilm España, para pasar un dia entero fotografiando Barcelona con su nueva cámara instantánea Instax Mini 70, junto con un montón de influencers (instagramers y youtubers principalmente) de España y Portugal. Como os podéis imaginar, no pude negarme. Siempre me han atraído este tipo de cámaras, sobre todo por ese aire romántico que conlleva la fotografía analógica, pero con la gran ventaja de ver la imagen al momento. Es imposible no sentir pura emoción con cada nueva foto que sale de la cámara, esa ansia de ver como poco a poco cambian los colores y aparece la imagen. El primer día tuvimos una pequeña reunión en la que básicamente nos juntaron a todos para mostrarnos cómo es la Instax Mini 70, cómo funciona, cual es su concepto y nos dieron varios cartuchos para probarla en el mismo local. Yo por supuesto, escogí el modelo más discreto, el amarillo canario, jeje... No podía ser otro.
Last weekend I was invited to live an #Instaxday by Fujifilm Spain, to spend a whole day shooting pictures in Barcelona with the new instant camera Instax Mini 70, along with a lot of influencers (instagramers and youtubers mainly) from Spain and Portugal. As you can imagine, I could not refuse. I've always been attracted by these cameras, especially because these have the romantic air that carries analog photography, but with the advantage of seeing the image immediately. You feel pure excitement with each new photo when comes out of the camera, that eagerness to see how slowly change colors and the image appears. The first day we had a little meeting where Fujifilm basically showed us how is the Instax Mini 70, how it works, what's the concept... And we got several reels to test the camera in the place. Of course, I chose the more discreet model, YELLOW, hehe ... It couldn't be otherwise.
Last weekend I was invited to live an #Instaxday by Fujifilm Spain, to spend a whole day shooting pictures in Barcelona with the new instant camera Instax Mini 70, along with a lot of influencers (instagramers and youtubers mainly) from Spain and Portugal. As you can imagine, I could not refuse. I've always been attracted by these cameras, especially because these have the romantic air that carries analog photography, but with the advantage of seeing the image immediately. You feel pure excitement with each new photo when comes out of the camera, that eagerness to see how slowly change colors and the image appears. The first day we had a little meeting where Fujifilm basically showed us how is the Instax Mini 70, how it works, what's the concept... And we got several reels to test the camera in the place. Of course, I chose the more discreet model, YELLOW, hehe ... It couldn't be otherwise.
El Instaxday que nos organizaron fue un poco caótico pero muy divertido. Básicamente era realizar un tour urbano por Barcelona, recorriendo sus calles en bicicleta y realizando fotos en diferentes sitios predilectos por los graffiteros de la ciudad. A parte de pararnos en sitios tan conocidos como el Parque de la Ciutadella o del Pueblo Nuevo, nos llevaron a una antigua fábrica abandonada llamada "La Escocesa", convertida ahora en una especie de espacio coworking para artistas urbanos. Un lugar realmente alucinante, perfecto para realizar fotos en cada rincón.
Ya a la tarde, después de comer pescaito riquísimo y ver una exhibición de acrobacias de BMX, fuimos a la nueva tienda Wonder Photo Shop de fujifilm, un nuevo concepto de establecimiento y el primero de Europa, que aunque es de fotografía, está más centrado en accesorios y scrapbooking para que puedas enredar al máximo. Yo personalmente no soy muy fan de coger una foto y troquelarla o pegarle cosas encima, más bien me parece un sacrilegio y sufro mucho cuando lo veo, jaja. Pero el resto de asistentes se ve que se lo pasaron genial con ello. La verdad es que fue una experiencia super divertida y en la que además pude conocer a un montón de gente, entre ellos a Juan Giménez y Xandra Garsem, fotógrafo y cantante respectivamente y youtubers como yo, o también a la ilustradora gallega e instagramer Clarilou, con los que compartí la mayor parte del evento, así como otros youtubers super conocidos como Gominuke, Happip, Holly Molly, HolaJulen o Yellow Mellow, que también andaban por allí.
The Instaxday was a little bit chaotic but fun. Basically, it was a tour in the city, riding a bike and making photos in different places with graffiti art. Besides stopping at known sites such as the Parque de la Ciutadella or el Pueblo Nuevo, we were in an old abandoned factory called "The Scottish", now converted into a kind of coworking space for urban artists. A truly amazing place, perfect for taking pics in every corner. After eating delicious fish in Barceloneta beach, we went to the new store Wonder Photo Shop by Fujifilm, a new concept of establishment and the first in Europe, which is more focused on accessories and scrapbooking, so you can enjoy. Sincerely, I'm not a fan of put stickers on a picture, and cut and paste it (literally), it seems a sacrilege for me and I suffer a lot when I see it, haha. But the others guys had a great time with it. It was super fun experience and I met a lot of people, like the photographer Juan Gimenez, the singer Xandra Garsem or Clarilou the illustrator, with whom I enjoy most of the experience.
The Instaxday was a little bit chaotic but fun. Basically, it was a tour in the city, riding a bike and making photos in different places with graffiti art. Besides stopping at known sites such as the Parque de la Ciutadella or el Pueblo Nuevo, we were in an old abandoned factory called "The Scottish", now converted into a kind of coworking space for urban artists. A truly amazing place, perfect for taking pics in every corner. After eating delicious fish in Barceloneta beach, we went to the new store Wonder Photo Shop by Fujifilm, a new concept of establishment and the first in Europe, which is more focused on accessories and scrapbooking, so you can enjoy. Sincerely, I'm not a fan of put stickers on a picture, and cut and paste it (literally), it seems a sacrilege for me and I suffer a lot when I see it, haha. But the others guys had a great time with it. It was super fun experience and I met a lot of people, like the photographer Juan Gimenez, the singer Xandra Garsem or Clarilou the illustrator, with whom I enjoy most of the experience.
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